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Deep Relaxation: Recharge and Renew Yourself

Take a mental break from your busy day to recharge and renew yourself and return to your work with increased energy and enthusiasm. We offer to help even the busiest bees to slow down to achieve relaxation and tranquility while tapping into creativity, concentration, and emotional freedom.

Energize and Refreshed

Choice:(30, 45, or 60 minutes) – This class is designed to clear your mind, balance your body, and restore your energy. We include energizing breath work and guided meditation. Relieve unnecessary stiffness and tension for a deeply revitalizing experience.

Mindfulness Meditation

Choice:(30, 45, or 60 minutes) We’ll start with simple stretching and breathing practice to prepare the body for guided, seated meditation. We will be practicing basic and simple techniques of mindfulness, and equanimity to clear and calm the mind to benefit your experience during and after the practice.
*No mats or change of clothing required.


Corporate Meditation we offer-


1. Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness means paying full attention to something at the current moment. Being mindful helps people in just about every part of life and it is just the opposite of rushing or multitasking. When you’re mindful, you’re taking your time out and paying attention to the present moment without any judgment. 

2. Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a state of deep relaxation, it is a deep relaxation technique. This is also a form of meditation, It is also called “psychic sleep,” Yoga Nidra is a state between sleeping and waking. The body is completely relaxed and the awareness turns inward by listening to a set of instructions; much like a guided meditation. Performing Yoga Nidra involves practicing pratyahara (“withdrawal of 5 senses”), which is the fifth limb of Ashtanga yoga.

3. Breathing Meditation

Often an easy way to begin your meditation practice is to simply focus on breathing techniques. Mindful breathing is a very basic yet powerful mindfulness meditation practice. The idea is simply to focus your attention on your breath—to its natural rhythm and observe the flow of each inhale and exhale.

4. Loving Kindness and Compassion Meditation

Meditation that focuses on developing feelings of kindness and compassion toward the self and others is called loving-kindness meditation. It is a form of meditation that focuses on cultivating feelings of goodwill, kindness, and compassion.

5. Mantra Meditation

This meditation focuses on sounds, words, or phrases spoken aloud or internally as the object of concentration.

6. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

A type of body scan meditation practice that emphasizes an awareness of different areas throughout the body where you tense up each and every muscle and then relax them.

7. Visualisation Meditation

Guided meditation is a technique using five senses of body touch, feel, smell, and hear the words, sounds, or images to guide the imagination and evoke a positive sensation or emotion.

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